For more than 40 years in experience
“ We are proud to be a part of your success and gain your trust in us for providing the design and installation of water and wastewater treatment systems in vary industry sectors including Electronics and Precision, Automobile, Agriculture, Food & Beverage, Textile, Real Estate, and etc.
For more than 40 years in experience, we appreciate your support in our businesses continually and we are committed to developing the quality and technologies to meet your expectations.”
Thailand and Southeast Asian countries are world’s top agricultural producer such as rice, sugarcane, cassava, natural rubber including slaughter house and dairy etc.
Large amount of high concentration BOD, nitrogen, oil and grease wastewater are generated and directly affect both surface and underground water. In order to prevent aforementioned environmental issue, we propose complete wastewater treatment system from design, installation, commissioning and service maintenance including appropriate chemicals for plant operation.
Moreover, treated wastewater from Agriculture Industry can be reclaimed and beneficially used for irrigation and cleaning purposes.
Food & Beverage
The water supply management is important for food and beverage industry to ensure the safety, security, and sustainability of water supplies. We can offer the technologies of water purification and disinfection such as filtration, ultra-violet and ozone to maintain the acceptable quality of water for the safe manufacturing of food and beverage.
Various types of wastewater are discharged from food processing industries such as dairy processing, meat-poultry processing, fruit beverage processing, vegetable processing etc. The components of wastewater and their concentrations, as well as the volume of wastewater, vary with the type of wastewater.
Normally, the treatment of wastewater from food processing industries utilizes physical, chemical, and biological processes in treating organic compounds. With the integration of our designs, the suspended solid is removed through the simple coagulation and advanced dissolved air flotation (DAF), and the soluble BOD & COD is removed through the cost-effective aerobic or anaerobic biological treatment system. These designs are based on the considerations of economical consumption of chemicals and minimal sludge generation.
Under the global competition in the automotive industry, we provide the services with our managerial expertise in system design, environmental regulation compliance, waste reduction, recycling system, and operating cost effectiveness for the process of water and wastewater treatment.
The advanced techniques in membrane and ion exchange technologies with our long-term experience in the water treatment field can produce the high quality water for cooling tower, boiling tower, and rinsing water applications in automotive manufacturing process.
In addition, we can offer our customers the high performance and cost-effective wastewater treatment, heavy metal removal, sludge treatment, as well as recycling of large amount of treated effluent to their processes.
Various types of chemicals in manufacturing process generate hazardous and toxic waste in the discharge. We realize the complexity that the chemical industry faces in its manufacturing process systems and the waste that is generated during the process.
With many reference of water and wastewater treatment plants in the chemical industry, we confidently provide the full cycle-service of optimal treatment system design, construction, installation, after-sales-service and compliance of the environmental regulatory limits of the discharge.
Electronics & Precision
We professionally and continually research and develop on water purification technology, especially ultrapure water application, in order to support the manufacturing process of electronic industry. We provide the water treatment system to meet the standard quality requirements through our experience on the membrane filtration and ion exchange technologies.
Moreover, we also offer the cost-effective technology for the wastewater treatment, rinse water purification and reuse systems with the concepts of system performance on treatment capability and environmental regulation compliance, economic points on minimizing sludge generation, and water saving.
Real Estate
- Hotel
- Shopping Malls
- Department stores
- Hospital
- High Condominiums
Regarding Thailand’s rapid tourist and medical hub business growth in the past decades, municipal wastewater from shopping malls, hotels, high rise condominiums, hospital and recently Alternative State Quarantine (ASQ) facilities become a major source of water pollution.
Real Estates wastewater must be managed and complied with Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) for those located in Bangkok region. Municipal wastewater requires combined Physico-Biological treatment such as Oil and Grease removal, Activated Sludge treatment and finally disinfection before discharging to public sewer.