In order to achieve zero emission to global environment, we have been developing continuously the advanced technologies, especially membrane technology (MF, UF, NF, RO), ion exchange resin, electro-deionization, EDI advanced oxidation (Ozone, UV, etc), and evaporator technology,
we have integrated these systems effectively to apply for water treatment, ultra-pure water application,
wastewater treatment and wastewater reclamation and reuse under conceptual design of good performance, environmental friendly and economic system to meet the customer requirement and comply with all regulations.
Biogas Recovery System
Our High-rate Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment System namely Expended Granular Sludge Bed (EGSB) is not only able to achieve treating performance of mid high concentration Brewery wastewater but also effectively generate and recovery high quality of biogas which is ready to use as eco-friendly free energy for steam boiler.
Oil Removal System
Recently, many industrial wastewaters such as coolant, silicone oil and food manufacturing contain high concentration of fat, oil and grease that trouble conventional oil separation. High speed Dissolved Air Floatator (DAF) has become one promising technology to overcome those problems. Moreover, we also developed and proposed other options for oil removal including heat treatment and acidification.
Zero Liquid
Discharge System
Nowadays, Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) regulation is mandatory in many area which force factories to completely treat and reuse wastewater. We have designed and installed several ZLD plants for industrial wastewater and successfully recycling treated water for production line and other purposes.
Water & Wastewater Mobile Treatment Unit
Water & Wastewater Mobile Treatment Unit was designed to suit customer in treating ability and also mobility in which customer can easily relocate all equipment to other sites with the concept of “Tie and Treat”.
Smart Monitoring System
Our Smart Monitoring System has been developed for support customer to be able to monitor and smoothly manage their wastewater treatment plant. Customer can get access to the operational data (Ex. Wastewater flow rate, water level, chemical remaining, pump running status etc.) and wastewater condition (influent-effluent pH, EC, COD/BOD, etc.) via internet data transferring (SIM card, internet Wi-Fi, LAN etc.) right to your smart phone or PC 24/7.
Ozonation for Decolorization
In Brewery and Distillery industry, dark brown color is one of the most robust substances to treat in order to discharge according to the new regulation. We are proudly present the largest and forceful Ozonation system for Decolorization of beverage wastewater in Thailand.